So everything just went back to normal. Things are settled and so are my emotions. I’ve been the least apologetic person in the world but I said sorry. It sucks to know that I’ve made a mistake and screw up and I must take full responsibility for my actions. But at the end of the day, things happen and you just have to cope up.
I once hated March. I am still not very fond of the month but I don’t hate that much. “It” happened in March and the “It” word constitutes every awful event that happened to me in the recent years. An election loss, graduation that’s yet to happen, shocking news of dismissal, break-up and family gatherings (which always puts me in a miserable position). Yeah, my Lady Luck somehow managed to schedule her vacation during this month for the past two years. And I was left there bewildered, paralyzed and depressed. But then again, you move on and forge ahead.
I told someone once that I may go somewhere and make a great escape. It happened. But not for long since escaping from your problems doesn’t get you to anywhere. I once thought I could live another life and forget about my past. But then you’ll realize how many people suffers much more than you do, how many people actually have been there for you, supporting and caring for you, how many people managed to bounce back and got successful in their life.
I am thankful that I am actually facing these adversities this early in my life. I learn what others may experience in their 40’s where they may get depressed and succumb to failure then die. I learned things the harder way and it made me much stronger; much stronger than the boy who first walked the streets of Diliman. I learned a lot throughout these trying times and I am taking note of everyone who had/has been there for me every step of the way.
And so it goes. I may not be able to get what I want now, but I will sure catch up. God knows I am trying.